Tomorrow kicks off the first day of our prep for Murph. If you're relatively new to CrossFit then the workout Murph may be new to you. Let me tell you…
1.6km run
100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Air squats
1.6km run
And if you’re keen you wear a weighted vest too!
Tomorrow we are performing ‘half Murph’ to start prepping for the full version of Murph which is likely to coincide with 4th July in the U.S.
Last year we did some form of variation of Murph every Monday about 2-3 months prior to the full Murph in July. Some members might find this a little repetitive, so while there will still be an option of a Murph variation each Monday, we will provide a second workout that will still help you build stamina and strength toward those movements (pull ups, push ups, squats, run) without limiting you to doing only those movements. eg you could see some KB swings, floor presses etc.
If you choose to do the Murph prep option, that is great! Just stick to what the prescribed workout is for that day (eg if it says to perform the movements unbroken then stick to that so that you’re hitting the designed stimulus for that workout.)
Tomorrow is still half Murph - as of next week, we will start having a Workout B option for you!
Shout out if you have any questions!