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Coach Cara

What is the CrossFit Open?

Whether you’re new to CrossFit, or you’ve been in the game for a decade, the CrossFit Open IS for YOU.

Yes, for some athletes around the globe, it is the first step to qualifying for the CrossFit Games, but for the other 95% of us, it’s about the community coming together. Knowing that there are thousands of other people around the world doing the exact same workout as you, feeling those nerves in their belly as the clock counts down, and giving it your all for those 10 or so minutes.

So what exactly is the CrossFit Open?

The CrossFit Open is an annual fitness competition organised by CrossFit, which consists of 3 workouts being released over 3 consecutive weeks. Members from CrossFit gyms around the world, with a range of all skill levels and backgrounds can participate. It is an inclusive event, open to anyone, regardless of their fitness level or experience. Each workout you can choose to do the workout as prescribed (Rx) or scaled, just like every other CrossFit workout. And you’ll be allocated a judge for the workouts to ensure you meet the standards of the movements.

At the end of the 3 weeks you get to see where you rank on the leaderboard, you can see results from where you rank in your age category, within Australia and globally.

For those who participate each year, it's a great way to set yourself a goal of improving by a few spots on the leaderboard each year.

Should people that aren’t competitive do the open?

100% yes! This is where the true spirit of the CrossFit community comes together. We have witnessed countless people get their first ever pull-up or muscle-up in the open over the last 10 years that we have participated. There is something about the community getting behind you that gives you these special superpowers to be able to accomplish things you would normally only dream of.

How to get involved

We will be sending out an email to our members early 2024 when the registration for the CrossFit Opens are available - so keep an eye out for that! We will be performing the workouts on Friday evenings, we call it Friday Night Lights and we encourage all Open participants to attend the Friday evening session to complete their workout. After you’ve finished your workout we hope you can stay back after the workout, cheer on the crew and stay back for a hard earned drink (Fit Aid or your chosen drink 😉 ) The dates for our Friday Night Lights will be 1st, 8th and 15th March.

Shout out if you have any questions, we look forward to seeing a huge crew get involved in The Open this year!

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